As wonderful as the season of spring is, it can also bring with it a feeling of deep dread, as spring cleaning rears its ugly head!
Many homes and their inhabitants go into hibernation during the colder months, when keeping warm is more of a priority than tackling housework. But with families holed up inside their homes for weeks, sometimes months on end, dust and grime can build up until before you know it, your home’s grubby, smelly, and generally looking unloved.
While your first thoughts might turn to professional house cleaning in Fort Myers (and absolutely nothing wrong with that!), you may also start thinking about how you can tackle the spring cleaning yourself, and get your home shipshape and in order again.
If so, here’s how to make light work of it:
Begin by creating a checklist
Make a list of all the tasks you want to complete, and you’ll find it easier to stick to what needs doing without getting distracted or overwhelmed.
Declutter and get organized
Decluttering is something homeowners should do periodically, and definitely before preparing to spring clean. Get rid of everything you no longer want or need, and not only will you find it easier to focus, but you’ll find it easier to access areas for cleaning, too.
Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter
Decluttering might have revealed a few dust bunnies, so once you’ve finished, get the vacuum cleaner and suck them all up. Vacuum cleaners equipped with high-efficiency particulate air filters trap tiny, micron-sized particles and contaminants, and are much more effective than regular vacuum cleaners.
Move to the bathroom and begin sanitizing
It’s always a good idea to clean your bathroom from top to bottom at least once every few months, and spring time is the ideal opportunity to do this. Use your favorite sanitizing spray and wipe down all windows and sills, blind tracks, baseboards, light fixtures and anything else that may have dust, grime or mold on it. once this has been done, you can move on to the toilet, tub and/shower, eliminating all traces of soap scum, mold and mildew. Depending on how often you clean your bathroom deeply, and its size, this could take anything from half an hour, to an hour. Once everything inside the bathroom is gleaming, it’s time to vacuum and mop the floor.
Clean the bedroom
Spring is a good time to review your bedroom and while cleaning it, think about whether there is anything you want to change it. Sometimes, a refresh is also beneficial when deeply cleaning, and can help you enjoy spending time in each room of your home.
Where possible, open some windows while you’re cleaning to let stale winter air out, and improve the flow of air within the space. Wash all bedding and give your mattress a good vacuum and spot-clean if necessary. Now might also be a good time to swap out old pillows. Dust everywhere, then end with vacuuming the floor and mopping if the floors are hardwood or tiled.
End with the kitchen
Finally, it’s time to tackle the kitchen. With house cleaning services in Fort Myers, all elements of spring cleaning are taken care of, but without their help, spring cleaning in your kitchen should involve every surface being degreased and sanitized, including behind and under appliances. The refrigerator should be cleaned inside and out with warm, soapy water, and expired food discarded. If needed, remove everything from the cupboards and pantry and clean shelves, before replacing all items. Tiles, countertops and splashbacks should be spotless, and if the oven needs overnight cleaning, use a solution of baking soda and water to coat the interior, before scrubbing off the next day.
Spring cleaning is a lot of work, but it’s always worth it. If you can’t face it alone, however, simply hire a cleaning service to help you, and get the work done in half the time.